A eulogy to Sadasivam Veriyah – by Jufrie Mahmood

SADASIVAM VERIYAH, a strong advocate of democracy who spent decades in the background before finally answering the call to stand for election twice under the SDP ticket – in 2011 and 2015. We crossed paths in the mid-80s, during my first election foray in 1984 in Kg Kembangan. Always behind the scene, Sada has always been there to give unflinching support to our efforts in giving Singaporeans an alternative voice. In all the four elections that I participated in as a candidate, Sada was there. He was also a former teacher and the president of the Singapore Tamil Teachers Union. Sada, no doubt, was one of the many unsung heroes in our midst.
He will be dearly missed. May you rest in peace, my friend.
– Jufrie Mahmood